Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Announcement: Divali celebration at VU Amsterdam

  On 14 December VU Amsterdam had the honor to welcome the Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E. Ambassador Mrs. Reenat Sandhu. She visited VU Amsterdam to jointly celebrate Divali with the Indian community and to share stories and exchange on VU- Indian academic collaboration with the Rector Jeroen Geurts, academics […]

Management & Leadership Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-Jun-21 EN

Editorial Note: Spirituality, Management And Society, Issue 7 – Yoga

Dear all, We are delighted to share the 7th issue of OM RISE Magazine with you. For this issue, the theme is Yoga. The popularity of yoga globally was recognized when the United Nations declared 21 June as International Yoga Day. In the current issue we celebrate this day by sharing a collection of articles […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-Jun-21 EN

Living Spirituality Through Being

How I see spirituality I think I’ve always considered myself a spiritual person (without knowing the word). As a child, I would carry ants out of the camping tent, explaining to them in earnest “How lucky you are to have met me, go free now”. At 13, I interviewed a local professor to quench my […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-Jun-21 EN

My relationship with Spirituality

My relationship with spirituality started in my early childhood as a response to various prayer songs I would hear. Although I started this journey, associating with the religion I follow, with time I have learnt that religion could clarify the spiritual experiences, or may enhance them, however, it does not define them. Being born in […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-Jun-21 EN

A Personal Spiritual Conquest of Desires Leading Inner Transformation

As a Ph.D. candidate under Prof. Sharda Nandram, I heartily appreciate the beautiful connection with her. I believe it will create another vast stream in my life and my future yoga students. This story is about how I decided to dedicate my life to yoga and my spiritual journey. I was born to unique South […]

Management & Leadership Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 6, 16-April-21 EN

Editorial Note: Spirituality, Management And Society, Issue 6 – Managing VUCA

Dear all, We are delighted to share the sixth issue of OM RISE Magazine with you. For this issue, the theme is Managing VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity). VUCA can be felt at an individual level as well as in organisations and society at large. Some experience VUCA as crisis and may lose their perspective […]

Announcements Spirituality & Society Spirituality Issue 5, 5-Nov-20 NL Spirituality Issue 5, 9-Nov-20 EN

Editorial Note: Spirituality, Management and Society, Issue 5 – Divali Special

Download Issue 5, Nov 2020: English Edition ; Dutch Edition Dear all, We are happy to share the fifth issue of OMRISE Magazine with you. We are also delighted to inform you that now all OMRISE magazine content can be accessed online via our website: https://magazine.omrise.org This is a number especially created for the occasion of The […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 5, 5-Nov-20 NL

Mevr. Drs. Usha Doekhie, Voorzitter Hindoe Raad Nederland

Geachte leden van de Hindoe gemeenschap,Shubh Divali gewenst aan u, uw naasten en geliefden! Divali is normaliter het feest dat wij  samen met onze naasten en geliefden vieren. Een feest dat ons herinnert dat het goede zegeviert over het kwaad. Helaas, Corona beperkt ons in samenzijn, dus vallen er allerlei geplande festiviteiten in het water. […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 5, 5-Nov-20 NL

Mgr. drs. Herman W. Woorts

Bisschop-referent voor interreligieuze dialoog namens de Bisschoppenconferentie en voorzitter van de katholieke Contactraad voor Interreligieuze Dialoog Geachte leden van de hindoegemeenschap,Van harte breng ik u mijn gelukwensen over ter gelegenheid van Divali en hoop dat de viering vreugde in uw gezinnen en gemeenschap mag brengen. De lichtjes van Divali doen ons denken aan de lampionnen […]