Spirituality & Society Spirituality Issue 2, 25-Apr-20 EN

Existential Reflections

How will workplaces be re-defined in the post-Covid-world? What are short-term and long-term changes that individuals will need to make in their lifestyles post Covid-19? How can individuals / organizations convert these challenges into opportunities? Are we living beyond our means? Have we ignored the saying in Hindi – जितनी चादर हो उतने ही पैर […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality Issue 2, 25-Apr-20 EN

Reflections on Indigenous Ideas

The precautionary measures for Covid-19 if closely observed are linked to practices of most indigenous practices for example of Hinduism. Traditional house-holds in India used to practice higher order levels of hygiene. However, youth appeared slightly dis-enchanted with many practices and under the name of “reforms” even good practices got ignored and sometimes even challenged […]

Announcements Spirituality & Society Spirituality Issue 2, 25-Apr-20 EN

Editorial Note: Spirituality & Society, Issue 2 – COVID-19 & Leadership

Download Issue 2, April 25, 2020:English Edition ; Dutch Edition We are happy to share with you our second issue of OM RISE Magazine. We have received many positive reviews and some suggestions on our first issue. As we have received many contributions, we decided to publish this issue as a Special Issue. The theme is COVID-19 […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality Issue 1, 25-Mar-20 EN


Some people have started asking themselves questions about Kaliyuga in these times of crisis. Therefore, we share some insights on Kaliyuga for your reflections. According to the Indian concept of time, authentically known as Bhāratīya concept of time, there are 4 Yug or periods: Sat, Treta, Dwapar and Kali. The characteristics of people, economy, society, […]