Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 5, 5-Nov-20 NL

Licht voor ogen

Wim van de Laar, Yoga docent en vertaler Ik kom uit een katholiek nest en uit een klein dorp. Mijn religieuze opvoeding was zeer bescheiden, en als kind zag ik in de kerk dat ook veel andere ‘gelovigen’ wat verveeld op de bankjes zaten. Religie als plichtpleging – hoeveel verlossing valt daarvan te verwachten? Ondanks […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 5, 5-Nov-20 NL Spirituality Issue 5, 9-Nov-20 EN

Divali Celebration: Life Management Lessons

Dr. Pawan Kumar Singh. Director Management Development Institute Gurgaon, Haryana, India Divali or Deepavali is a major Hindu festival of India that is now celebrated across the world by all with great enthusiasm. It is so much a festival of joy that Divali and Joyfulness may be taken as synonyms. The festival is celebrated on […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 5, 5-Nov-20 NL

Aankondiging vieringen

Divali: bezinning tijdens de coronapandemie, Stuart Kensenhuis, Journalist “Afgelopen week zag ik een Divali-video terug van Barack Obama, de vroegere Amerikaanse president, en dat raakte me echt. Want de boodschap van dit feest gaat over het overwinnen van het licht op de duisternis, het streven naar een hoger kennisniveau en ook naar bezinning binnen het […]

Announcements Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 5, 9-Nov-20 EN

Announcement of Divali celebration

Press Release Diwali Festival Amstelveen – live online on November 7, 2020 from 2 pm! Diwali Festival Amstelveen is being organized and celebrated for the 12th time! Only this year it will be celebrated slightly different than other years. The board of the Diwali Festival Amstelveen Foundation decided to cancel the live Diwali celebrations at […]

Announcements Management & Leadership Spirituality & Society Spirituality Issue 4, 2-Oct-20 EN

Editorial Note: Spirituality, Management and Society, Issue 4 – Leadership & Hope

Download Issue 4, Oct 2020: English Edition ; Dutch Edition Dear all We are happy to share the fourth issue of OMRISE Magazine with you. We are also delighted to inform you that now all OMRISE magazine content can be accessed online via our website: https://magazine.omrise.org We are humbled by the love and affection which we have received […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 4, 2-Oct-20 EN

Speech by Dutch Minister F. Grapperhaus, Non-Violence and Mahatma Gandhi

Ministry of Justice and Security Since 2007, the International Day of Non-violence is celebrated every year on 2nd October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi was not only the leader of the Indian independence movement but also a pioneer in the application of the principle of non-violence. The principle of non-violence – also called […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 4, 2-Oct-20 EN

Māṇḍūkya Upaniṣad 1 – 7

This Upaniṣad is a meditation on the sacred word ‘Om’ and its significance in relation to one’s own Self. How do we discover within ourselves the higher Self? This is what this brief but very important Upaniṣad clarifies. ॐ इत्येतदक्षरमिदं  सर्वं तस्योपव्याख्यानं भूतं भवद् भविष्यदिति सर्वमोङ्कार एव यच्चान्यत् त्रिकालातीतं तदप्योङ्कार एव ॥ १॥ oṃ ityetadakṣaramidaṃ  […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 4, 2-Oct-20 EN

Euthanasia in Hinduism as an alternative to endless suffering (part 1 of 2)

The Netherlands has had a new euthanasia law for several years: the law on the assessment of termination of life on request and assisted suicide. This law empowers a physician to administer a drug to the patient that results in death. The doctor may also make the medicine available for the patient to self-administer. This […]