Announcements Spirituality & Society Spirituality Issue 3, 20-Jun-20 EN


Article on management vision by Prof. Dr. Sharda Nandram Know Yourself: The end of your fake ‘I’ A new word-for-word translation from the original Sanskrit of the Ashtavakra-gita with devanagari text, transliteration and a glossary, enriched by the wisdom of Sri Ramana Maharshi. If you think you know yourself, you are wrong. Your self, […]

Announcements Spirituality & Society Spirituality Issue 3, 20-Jun-20 EN

New program at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

In September academic year 2020-2021 we will start a new program at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: the Dutch-language postgraduate program for Hindu spiritual caregivers. It is the first program in the Netherlands that focuses on spiritual care nourished by Hinduism,  academic theories and concepts combined with the professional field of spiritual care in the Netherlands. […]

Announcements Management & Leadership Spirituality & Society Spirituality Issue 2, 25-Apr-20 EN

Call for Special Issue, Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion (JMSR)

This is a link (here) to a call for papers for a Special Issue for the Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion (JMSR), a journal of the interest group MSR within the Academy of Management.  The topic is: An Integrative Approach to COVID-19 Crisis: Learnings from Indigenous Knowledge Systems. The guest editors are: Sharda S. […]

Spirituality & Society Spirituality Issue 2, 25-Apr-20 EN

Existential Reflections

How will workplaces be re-defined in the post-Covid-world? What are short-term and long-term changes that individuals will need to make in their lifestyles post Covid-19? How can individuals / organizations convert these challenges into opportunities? Are we living beyond our means? Have we ignored the saying in Hindi – जितनी चादर हो उतने ही पैर […]