As a Ph.D. candidate under Prof. Sharda Nandram, I heartily appreciate the beautiful connection with her. I believe it will create another vast stream in my life and my future yoga students. This story is about how I decided to dedicate my life to yoga and my spiritual journey. I was born to unique South […]
The self-existent created the senses outward: therefore, one sees outside and not the âtman within. A wise person, with his senses turned away, (from their object), desirous of immortality, sees the âtman within (Kaṭha Upaniṣad, II, 1.1). Birth is the first big movement out. Out of the darkness you are ‘thrown’ into the light of […]
Geachte leden van de Hindoe gemeenschap,Shubh Divali gewenst aan u, uw naasten en geliefden! Divali is normaliter het feest dat wij samen met onze naasten en geliefden vieren. Een feest dat ons herinnert dat het goede zegeviert over het kwaad. Helaas, Corona beperkt ons in samenzijn, dus vallen er allerlei geplande festiviteiten in het water. […]