There is an Everest climber in each one of us. During our life, we get to know about our ‘Everest’ and the ‘climb’. This case study is about Tine Mena, the youngest Everest climber from the North East of India. The case takes us through the stages of development of various qualities, values, vision and goals during her lifetime which eventually led her to this accomplishment. In addition to this feat, she planned to attempt the “seven continent climb”, which no Indian has done so far. It was all about the leadership & entrepreneurial traits that she inculcated during her life struggle.
Here, natural leadership is referred to as the leadership which develops naturally in people with a
natural worldview where they see themselves as part of the nature. This case illustrates each stage
of her life with the oygic path she adopted and which eventually leads her to become a natural
As part of the findings, it emerged that natural leadership is indeed yogic in nature. The road to
natural leadership has some common milestones which Tine’s story exemplifies. In this case study,
some other patterns also emerged pertaining to self-development that could be applied by everyone.
Natural leadership is an attitude formed by experiences, the values of responsibility, reflection,
focus, integrity, harmony and an inner quest. By adding the spiritual dimension from the yoga
philosophy one can learn different steps to pursue. Tine’s example has shown us that it yoga not just
an application of certain guidelines but it requires a sincere discipline; a faith to be able to excel; a
focus; a can-do mentality, a deep urge to lead by example, the courage to be authentic and a deep
intrinsic motivation to strive for the best.
Aṣṭāṅga yoga framework (Tine Mena’s case observations)
- Vegetarianism (Yama – Ahimsā )
- No materialistic aims (Niyama – Santoṣa)
- Hard work & honesty in earning money (Yama – Asteya)
- Every action in her routine is in tandem with nature (Niyama – Svādhyāya)
- Purity within due to faith in Divinity (Yama – Satya & Brahmac̣arya)
- Worship/ Spiritual Propensities (Niyama – Īśvara Praṇidhāna)
- Acceptance of change (Dhārana Towards Purpose, Saṃkalpa)
By following the paths of aṣṭāṅga yoga everyone can experience the benefits that are a result of the
elements inculcated through each step. Ancient Wisdom has relevant insights for the development
of the field of spirituality in the context of self-management and leadership.