The Upanishads are among the foundational texts of wisdom of mankind. Their origin lies in the ancient Vedic culture of India. The first of these classical texts date from approximately 750
BC. Together with the Brahma Sūtra – the aphoristic exposition of the philosophy of the Upanishads – and the Bhagavadgītā, the Upanishads make up the prasthānatraya, the threefold canon of the hindu wisdom tradition.
The Upanishads are hailed not only for their beauty, but particularly because they unravel the essence of man, of the world and our existence in a way that is both transparent and timeless. Expressive, with poetic and lively force these source texts reveal the nature of reality and, above all, of Freedom.
The realisation of the latter, through the recognition of oneself as the Self, or Consciousness, is the
ultimate goal.
Wim van de Laar (1961), yoga teacher and translator, worked on the translation of this collection of
eighteen Upanishads for seven years. Currently he is working on the translation of the Yoga Sūtra of
Patañjali and the Bhagavadgītā. For further information see www.yogawimvandelaar.nl of
You are the Diamond Soul

Welcome to the beautiful universe of energy diamonds! I am honored and happy for the opportunity to share this work with you. It has been inspired by many different spiritual paths, writings, and personal experiences. I wrote this book to share key insights and teachings that
have helped me reach a certain level of happiness and bliss. It is truly a blessing to share these teachings with you, and I hope this book will be
of service to you on your spiritual path.
Welcome to the beautiful universe of energy diamonds! I am honored and happy for the opportunity
to share this work with you. It has been inspired by many different spiritual paths, writings, and
personal experiences. I wrote this book to share key insights and teachings that have helped me
reach a certain level of happiness and bliss. It is truly a blessing to share these teachings with you,
and I hope this book will be of service to you on your spiritual path.
The objective of this book is to provide practitioners with a clear set of explanations, techniques
and meditations to efficiently, gently and gradually refine their soul energy, while working towards
the greater good of all beings. You will receive straightforward yet powerful and effective
instructions in order to achieve this.
From the Highest Subtle Vibrations of Divine Light, Love and Power,
From Divine Powerful Loving Light and Shining Love,
From Our Higher Soul, The Soul Incarnates.
From the Pressure and Transmutation of Earthly Experiences,
The Heart is Developing Loving-Kindness, Compassion and Generosity,
The Mind is Developing Discernment, Intelligence and Wisdom, Our Soul Evolves.
Gradually, I, the Incarnated Soul,
Realizes What I Am Becoming and What
I already Am… A Diamond Soul
Now unveiled a set of advanced techniques and meditations to achieve union with one’s higher self
and the Divine. Using this book, the readers will:
● Discover what is subtle energy, also known as prāṇa, ki or chi
● Create energy diamonds, that is, diamonds made of subtle energy
● Use energy diamonds for joy & spiritual growth – Learn four techniques for inner purification
● Experience an accelerated path toward clarity of mind and bliss
● Practice seven powerful meditations to achieve inner peace and spiritual union
● Transform their spiritual life with the metaphor of the diamond
“Symmetry of form, beauty of colour, strength and the compactness of the diamond, constitute bodily perfection.” —The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book III, Sutra 46 (Alice Bailey).

Gaëtan loves to bring rational, practical, and simple approaches to esoteric teachings. He has also been practicing and teaching meditation and energy healing for many years. He holds a Ph.D. in Management of Information Systems, and his academic research on meditation has been published in books and journals such as the Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion.
For further information about Diamond Meditations: www.DiamondMeditations.com. To order the book: https://www.amazon.com/You-Are-Diamond-Soul-Groundbreaking/dp/0228818885/