Spiritual leader, humanitarian and visionary, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi is known to many
simply as Amma or Mother. Her life of love, inner strength, and self-sacrifice has inspired people to
make more space in their hearts for others and to dedicate some of their time to social service.
Amrita Yoga is a school of yoga directly formed from Amma’s Sankalpa (a divine intention)
prompted by unconditional love and an attitude of service to the world. Amma is the source and
inspiration for Amrita Yoga. With a holistic approach to wellbeing, our focus is awareness with
heart-centered intention. Rooted in the four paths of yoga, āsanas practice is dynamically
transformed from physical to the more subtle.
Amrita yoga balances your emotions, relaxing your body and mind to work for you rather than you
working for them! You will find great focus and concentration on your goals, becoming happy and
efficient instead of wasting time worrying or losing sleep.
Today’s world is complex and fast-moving. Amrita Yoga workshops offer a unique approach to yoga
postures using skillful awareness. Awareness is a tool for life. This practice will make your body
and mind healthy, limber, and calm, opening your creativity and inner knowing, and helping you find
positive solutions to challenges.
Yoga goes beyond the physical postures. It is the practice of life—how to find and follow the path to
reach your highest potential. This is so important. Young people face unique challenges in the
issues facing all of humanity.
Today’s world is so fast-paced, with information and images reflecting a daunting spectrum of
cultural values. How can we manage all this during chaotic times like the Covid-19 pandemic? Are
our own minds prepared and strong enough to confront the challenges? Can we be the people,
youth confide in about their feelings and insecurities?
These workshops help youth to understand and identify their feelings and support them in
managing situations rather than escaping or falling prey to them. Students learn to convert the
challenging experiences of life into stepping stones to success.
Besides being fun and challenging, Amrita yoga helps in many other ways. Foremost, yoga āsanas
keep the growing body healthy and flexible. Potential health problems will be averted. It is a
tremendous advantage for children to learn how to concentrate and balance their emotions. This
core foundation of confidence and enthusiasm introduces youth to ancient Indian cultural values.
Sparkling eyes and bubbling joy are the common experience of these classes! Students are
prompted to think of the higher purpose of life, and to focus on achieving goals such as the
importance of being oneself, finding the path of inner joy, and striving for the betterment of society.
Students are encouraged to respect and acknowledge their feelings, and to stay inspired by
focusing on their strengths and managing their emotions. They are warned not to be disheartened
by the small or even large hurdles that will inevitably come their way. Their reflective minds and
pure hearts will take them to their highest goals. They are encouraged to think independently and to
develop the mental strength needed to confront different situations in life. Such workshops instill
the confidence of noble ideals and the ability to keep an intense inner focus on spiritual life.