Announcements Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-Jun-21 EN

Announcement: Call for Articles

Submissions are invited for articles for our next issue (Issue 8) Theme Business and Spirituality.The growing interest of scholars, practitioners and institutions in how spirituality can beincorporated in business and its influence on individuals and organization has resulted in manydialogues and debates. We would like to add to the growing discussion in our next issue […]

Announcements Spirituality & Society Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-Jun-21 EN

Announcement: New Books

The Upanishads are among the foundational texts of wisdom of mankind. Their origin lies in the ancient Vedic culture of India. The first of these classical texts date from approximately 750BC. Together with the Brahma Sūtra – the aphoristic exposition of the philosophy of the Upanishads – and the Bhagavadgītā, the Upanishads make up the […]