Event Announcements
Conference on Conscious-Based Leadership and Management
Dear Readers
We hope you are doing well. We warmly invite you to participate in the International Conference on Consciousness-Based Leadership and Management, which will be held on May 21–23, 2021. This virtual/online conference aims to discuss broad-based approaches and proven techniques for promoting a consciousness-based view of leadership and management for a more blissful and peaceful world. The conference is organized by Maharishi International University, Iowa, USA, the home of Consciousness-Based Education. It is co-sponsored by the Management, Spirituality and Religion interest group of the Academy of Management (AoM) and is designated as a Specialized Conference by AoM. The board of advisors includes: Sharda Nandram, Chris Laszlo, Judi Neal, Kathryn Pavlovich, and others. Keynote speakers include: Subhash Kak, Bob Quinn, and others. This 3-day conference will be online / virtual, and registration will be FREE. For more details, and to register, please visit: https://www.miu.edu/consciousness-conference. The conference will have an emergent quality, with just enough structure for bliss and creativity to flourish. Themes for this conference include:
- Consciousness-Based Approaches to Leadership and Management
- Paradigms, Theories and Dynamics of a Peaceful and Flourishing world
- Consciousness-Based Approaches to Leadership and Management Education
For questions, comments and suggestions, please contact: Dr. Anil K. Maheshwari, Conference co-chair and Professor, Maharishi International University. Email: akmaheshwari@miu.edu
New Books Announcement

Management Sūtras from Sanskrit Scriptures by Dr Pawan Singh
Management Sūtras from Sanskrit Scriptures, has been compiled by Dr. Pawan Singh, Director, IIM Tiruchirappalli, India. This work aims to serve the needs of all English-speaking citizens of the world, interested in the wisdom of the Indian knowledge systems especially Sanskrit scriptures with respect to effectively managing professional and extra-professional life. The book is a comprehensive compilation of management Sūtras from the vast literature of Sanskrit scriptures. One important, non-Sanskrit book addressed is ŚrīRāmacaritamānasa by Tulasīdāsa. About 630 pages cover around 1900 Sūtras addressing 275 topics categorised under 14 broad chapters covering:
Goal & Strategy; Managing Self and Personal Skills; Ethics and Human Values; Health and Wellbeing; Communication Skills; Interpersonal Skills; Team, Leadership and Decision Making; Human Dimensions of Management; Financial Dimensions of Management; Family, Society, and Nation; Spirituality in Management; What, Where, and Who; and, Insights from Analogy and Simile. Each Sūtra appears in its original Devanāgarī script, followed by English transliteration, the source, and the English translation.
New members of the OM RISE family

Dr. Gunjan Joshi lives in the Netherlands. She did her PhD in Management at the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. Her research area focuses on studying factors like gender, age, spirituality and cultural influence on the subjective aspects of one’s career. Currently she is coordinating Programs of Hindu Spirituality & Society at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She joins in as a member of the editorial team, OM RISE magazine.

Vanessa Englert M.A. lives in Germany. She is a trained organizational development consultant for self-organization and agile ways of working and a certified yoga teacher. She has recently joined the PhD program at the chair Hindu Spirituality and Society and is coordinator of OM RISE Magazine. She joins in as the coordinator, OM RISE magazine.