According to Sri Aurobindo, in order to get through the crisis of mankind, humanity, at least a critical mass of it, must undergo a transformation. This process will ultimately result in a new supramental species.
In the Indian history of Yoga, there have been four great syntheses before: the Vedic, the Upanishadic, the synthesis in the Gītā, and the Tāntrika. These four syntheses and their aims are reflected and assimilated in the new synthesis — Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga. Looking at the past four syntheses from the vantage point that Integral Yoga enlarges their meaning and significance. Along with assimilating the old, Integral Yoga brings out new yogic knowledge with newness in its aim and method. It proposes a quite distinct aim of evolutionary mutation and generation of a new supramental species. It integrates the methods of ascent and descent of consciousness.
Aim of Integral Yoga: Evolutionary Mutation and Generation of Supramental Species
Integral Yoga deals fundamentally with the problem of Nature, Man, and future evolution. Sri Aurobindo points out that evolution of Nature is incomplete and still in process. He states that man is a transitional being, he is not the summit of evolution. As such man is the field of interaction between matter and Spirit. Sri Aurobindo states further that this interaction between matter and Spirit has now reached a point of criticality, an “evolutionary crisis.” In order to get through this crisis, humanity, at least a critical mass of it, must undergo a transformation.

The word “transformation” is used by Sri Aurobindo in a distinctive manner. To be transformed is to be totally transmuted in every part of the being so that every part of the being is able to manifest what Sri Aurobindo calls the supramental consciousness 4. It was discovered by Sri Aurobindo and later also by the Mother, his collaborator, that the supermind5 can be made to permeate the human body which will awaken and transform the cells of the body. This process would result ultimately in an evolutionary mutation and generation of the new supramental species.
Method of Integral Yoga: Integration of the Path of Ascent and Descent
The integration of the path of ascent (liberation) and descent (perfection) is the central method of Integral Yoga. In the traditional Yogas a sādhaka would experience an ascending Force, called kundalini in Tantra. This force awakens at the base of the spine, rises above, and eventually reaches the top of the head, the crown chakra. The sādhaka experiences a blossoming into luminosity and immensity and attains a state of deep absorption into the ecstasy of samādhi.

Traditional Yogas aim to liberate the practitioner from the lower nature through an ascent of consciousness. In addition to the aim of liberation Integral Yoga aspires toward divine perfection of man and nature. Once attained, the practitioner seeks to bring the power of higher consciousness down in order to transform the lower nature into its divine counterparts .
The ascent of the consciousness of the Integral Yoga in the sādhaka does not remain limited to kundalini. It encompasses an ascent of the physical body consciousness towards the supramental Sun, Savitṛ of the Vedas). This descending force is experienced concretely and physically as a descending current that resembles a flowing mass and is the very Force of the Spirit – Śakti.
In Sri Aurobindo’s own words,
“… this higher or Divine Force from above…. descends usually first into the head and liberates the inner mind centres, then into the heart centre and liberates fully the psychic and emotional being, then into the navel and other vital centres and liberates the inner vital, then into the Mūlādhāra and below and liberates the inner physical being. It works at the same time for perfection as well as liberation…. It can bring down too a higher and yet higher force and range of the higher nature until, if that be the aim of the sādhanā, it becomes possible to bring down the supramental force and existence.”
What has been presented here is a very brief summary. To study the theme of Integral Yoga in detail — its aims, processes, methods and results, is to be in front of a marvel that constantly reveals itself. This is a gift of the ever evolving Indian spirituality to the future progress of humanity.