On 14 December VU Amsterdam had the honor to welcome the Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E. Ambassador Mrs. Reenat Sandhu. She visited VU Amsterdam to jointly celebrate Divali with the Indian community and to share stories and exchange on VU- Indian academic collaboration with the Rector Jeroen Geurts, academics […]
In this article, let us revisit the concept of yamas and niyamas from aṣṭāṅga yoga philosophy. They have the potential to inspire organizational approaches to ethical conduct that consider universal and contextual factors. This need has already been highlighted by the present challenges faced by institutionalism and organizations’ struggle to preserve meaning amidst challenging situations […]
Owing to a rich multidimensional heritage, Hindu ancient scriptures contain knowledge and wisdom pertaining to all dimensions of life – material and spiritual. The current wave of western interest in Hindu ancient scriptures can be traced back to the 1800s. The earlier interest was more on the spiritual or the existential aspects. However, in recent […]