I am confident that we have all experienced the phenomenon of entrainment in daily life. Think about the experiences of ‘being on the same wavelength’, or ‘being in sync’. They typically generate an elevated emotion or feeling. Also physiologically, many of us have witnessed the adjustment of our bodies that occurs when we change time […]
Bisschop-referent voor interreligieuze dialoog namens de Bisschoppenconferentie en voorzitter van de katholieke Contactraad voor Interreligieuze Dialoog Geachte leden van de hindoegemeenschap,Van harte breng ik u mijn gelukwensen over ter gelegenheid van Divali en hoop dat de viering vreugde in uw gezinnen en gemeenschap mag brengen. De lichtjes van Divali doen ons denken aan de lampionnen […]
Victor A. van Bijlert (ret.) was a lecturer in the Department of Beliefs and Practices, Faculty of Religion and Theology, at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The nineteenth-century Hindu modernity, it is argued, sought both individual flourishing and collective emancipation from Western domination. For the first time Hinduism began to be constructed as a religion […]