Some people have started asking themselves questions about Kaliyuga in these times of crisis. Therefore, we share some insights on Kaliyuga for your reflections.
According to the Indian concept of time, authentically known as Bhāratīya concept of time, there are 4 Yug or periods: Sat, Treta, Dwapar and Kali. The characteristics of people, economy, society, and environment vary in all these four Yug. It is believed that we are currently in Kaliyuga. So let us have a look at some of the characteristics of Kaliyuga as mentioned in Srimad Bhagwat Maha-Puraan and identify for yourself whether such characteristics seem familiar to you.
Kaliyuga – Boon or Bane? VedaVyāsa Jī answers – Definitely a Boon! How?
There is an interesting story where the curious Devatās reach Vedavyās- ji to know the easiest path to Kalyāṇa / Nirvāṇa / Mukti (liberation). To their surprise, he responded “Kaliyuga Devo Bhava” (Kaliyuga is great). Citing features of Kaliyuga, he continued, although the Kaliyuga is marked by diminishing of Dharma, truthfulness, sacredness, mutual respect, mercy, life-span, strength and memory.
In this time the phrase “might is right” becomes the usual norm, a little word jugglery becomes enough to get considered as scholarly, the ability to cheat will be regarded as a useful skill in business.
Further, marriages and other relationships are made not based on qualities and virtues but on mere infatuation and vested interests. Selfishness in relationships takes precedence.
Family customs and traditions are ignored by the youth. External appearance is given preference over intrinsic beauty.
In absence of mutual trust, the entry into one’s home/office requires strict authentication.
The grass is greener on the other side becomes the reality in case of pilgrimage as people ignore responsibilities towards parents and elders and their surrounding environment for visiting these places.
The major purpose of life becomes confined to the ability of filling one’s belly and that of the family. People earn their livelihood through illegitimate sources. Dharma (righteousness) is followed only for reputation and fame in the society.
The climactic conditions switch to extremes of cold, heat and rain leading to loss of agricultural output and resulting in hunger, thirst, diseases, distress and anxiety among the people.
The ultimate consequence will be a reduction in the life span of people to as low as 20-30 years.
At the end, wisdomlessness will prevail and human behaviour and thinking will become animalistic. The number of people following Dharma, discharging their duties and ensuring proper social order will be reduced to a minority.
He continues that, however, this is the best opportunity to achieve Kalyāṇa / Nirvāṇaa / Mukti. The reason being – by simply chanting of Bhagwan Naam one can achieve higher avocations in life. He added that what a Yogi achieves through Tapasya of 1 month in Dwapar Yug, 1 Year in Treta Yug and 10 Years in Sat Yug, the same can be achieved by only 1 day of Tapasya in Kaliyug. Hence, Kaliyuga is a boon, a sort of blessing in disguise.
More information about Kaliyug can be found in following links[1]
How to deal with Kaliyuga? Solutions can be found in many philosophies. Some examples:
Curiosity: Reading reflective literature or scriptures
Action: Doing all actions without expectation of any fruits of these actions
Devotion: Reciting OM or reciting Bhagwan Naam
[1] Srimad Bhagwat Mahapuraan – Features of Kaliyuga
(Skandha-12, Adhyay-2, Verse 1-16)
- (Nederlands Online):- http://bhagavata.org/nederlands/canto12/hoofdstuk2.html
- (English) Sastri M. A., Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana,(With Sanskrit Text and English Translation by C. L. Goswami, Part-II, 1982
- (English Online):- https://vedabase.io/en/library/sb/12/2/
- (English Online):- http://bhagavata.org/canto12/chapter2.html
- (Hindi) श्रीमद्भागवत महापुराण- कलियुग के धर्म (खंड २, स्कंध १२, अध्याय २, श्लोक १-१६), पृष्ठ ९१२ – ९१३)