Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Call for Articles

Submissions are invited for articles for our next issue (Issue 13) ThemeSpirituality and the Fourth Industrial Revolution  We are facing certain challenges in society today which scholars have been articulating as the outcome of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) or the emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution (a recent term coined by scholars from the World […]

Management & Leiderschap Research for Practitioners Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine

A Special Report on the OM RISE Workshop Building an Academic Discipline of Spirituality in Management and Society

A two-day international workshop on Building an Academic Discipline of Spirituality in Management and Society was organized online from 7-8 February 2023 at IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India, in collaboration with scholars from various countries. The workshop focused on advancing our discussion on the discipline of spirituality for management and society. It sought to delve deeper […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-juni-21 NL

Van de redactie: Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving, Nummer 7 - Yoga

Dear all, We are delighted to share the 7th issue of OM RISE Magazine with you. For this issue, the theme is Yoga. The popularity of yoga globally was recognized when the United Nations declared 21 June as International Yoga Day. In the current issue we celebrate this day by sharing a collection of articles […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-juni-21 NL

Yoga en de Bhagavadgītā

In recent years yoga has gained tremendous popularity. In the western world, the image associated with yoga is a class full of young men and women stretching on yoga mats and performing breathing exercises, with the aim to improve both mental and physical health. The yoga market has become a big business. Students pay high […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-juni-21 NL

Yoga bekeken vanuit het Triyoga systeem

‘Yoga’, which often evokes images of meditation and yoga poses, sparks a sense of positivity within. However, there is more to the word than just its meaning or the beautiful imagination. It is a complete philosophy that has existed for ages and continues to live on. The global popularity of yoga has attracted individuals to […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-juni-21 NL


The term yoga suffers quite a bit from “meaning expansion”. This is also true for other similar concepts from the East – Tao, Zen, karma, and nirvāna. The original meaning of these words seems to have been somewhat lost. Conceptions are shifting. In our time of opulence, busyness and threat, we usually associate yoga with […]

Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 7, 21-juni-21 NL

Yoga en morele regels: een paar gedachten over de yama’s

It is well-known that yoga has become immensely popular all over the world since the middle of the twentieth century. Yoga is perhaps one of the most successful cultural exports of India. It is also well known that many Western practitioners associate yoga mostly with postures (āsana) and breathing exercises (prāṇayāma). There are many varieties […]