Reflecties Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Interconnected: Reflections on the Suriname Conference 

Living in Holland and being a descendant of Indian indentured labourers from Suriname in South America, it was an honour for me to participate in the global conference Slavery, Indentured Labour, Migration, and their Impact on Present Societies in Paramaribo. It was organized in June by the Anton de Kom University of Suriname. Having studied […]

Management & Leiderschap Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

The Bhagavad Gita Lens: Exploring Yogic Principles in German Leadership during the Eurozone Crisis

Introduction  My interest in yoga stems from its connection to statesmanship, which intrigued me as a Political Science student. I took a course called “Yoga, Business, and Leadership” at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, where I discovered the valuable teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. The Gita’s stories depict how leaders should behave, showcasing the versatility of yogic […]

Management & Leiderschap Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Spirituality and Sustainable Business with a Stewardship Mindset

Spirituality and sustainable entrepreneurship can mutually support each other in making a positive impact on the world. By developing interconnected relationships, the individuals and stakeholders involved can find a sense of purpose. Sustainable entrepreneurship can therefore be seen as a practical manifestation of purpose, whether or not it is rooted in spirituality. In this article, […]

Redactie Team Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Research for Practitioners*

In this issue, we share the reading list from the recently concluded OM RISE International Workshop on Building an Academic Discipline of Spirituality in Management and Society. The workshop focused on advancing our discussion on the discipline of spirituality for management and society. The workshop discussions were oriented to eventually build education, research, and practice […]

Reflecties Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Embracing Flow: Unveiling the Deeper Meaning in Business Conversations

Feeling driven, passionate, and ambitious — these are words often thrown around in the management language of my work and business environment. Yet, we rarely delve into their depth and true value. What do these words really mean? And how do they impact individuals, businesses, and customers? Do the words themselves matter, or is it […]

Redactie Team Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Redactioneel - nummer 12 - juni 2023

Dear readers, As we celebrate the International  Day  of Yoga, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey within the realms of Yoga, Spirituality, and Business as we find ourselves at the intersection of ancient wisdom and the ever-evolving world of modern commerce. In our VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) world, a new […]

Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Yogic Yamas and Niyamas

In this article, let us revisit the concept of yamas and niyamas from aṣṭāṅga yoga philosophy. They have the potential to inspire organizational approaches to ethical conduct that consider universal and contextual factors. This need has already been highlighted by the present challenges faced by institutionalism and organizations’ struggle to preserve meaning amidst challenging situations […]