Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Editorial Note-Issue 11 December 2022

Dear all, We are delighted to share the 11th issue of OM RISE Magazine. For this issue, the theme is Sustainability and re-generativity in business and society. We discuss how spirituality can have role within this theme.. Global institutions and governments in many countries are trying to become more transparent. They show responsibility towards meeting […]

Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Spirituality: The Bridge Between Living World And System World

Prof. dr. Sharda S. Nandram Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, dear children, Namaskar, Pranaam to the elders here in our midst. In the next 40 minutes, I would like to talk about Divali, also known as the festival of lights. Yet you yourselves already know so much about Divali. How many Divalis have you celebrated […]

Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Āyurveda and Yoga: Whose Knowledge Is It Anyway?

Savi Sarin I had been waiting for some divine inspiration, the seed idea to begin this writing project. Call it providence, it was International Yoga Day, and the inspiration presented itself as a question from my little one. Sharing the excerpt of our conversation: Me: Today is International Yoga DayLittle one: So does that mean […]

Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

“Earth is our only shareholder” – Yvon Chouinard, Patagonia

Prof. Knut Ims, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen Prof. Laszlo Zsolnai, Corvinus University of Budapest; Blackfriars Hall, University of Oxford, Chairman of the European SPES (Spirituality in Economics and Society) Institute In September 2022 Yvon Chouinard, Buddhist entrepreneur and founder of American outdoor clothing retailer Patagonia, made an extraordinary proclamation. He said that “Earth […]

Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Earthcraft: A sustainable community-based enterprise 

Dr. Gunjan Joshi, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and fellow researcher Nyenrode Business Universiteit Rashmi Bharti and Rajnish Jain, who had a spiritual orientation, moved away from a life where they could have a perfect city view to life in a village where the mighty snow-covered Himalayas greeted them with a fresh breeze every day. In […]

Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Research for Practitioners

Editorial Team In this issue, we bring you some recent articles on sustainability  Green training in enhancing green creativity via green dynamic capabilities in the Indian handicraft sector: The moderating effect of resource commitment.  Joshi, G., & Dhar, R. L. (2020). Green training in enhancing green creativity via green dynamic capabilities in the Indian handicraft […]

Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Can an AI be Sentient? A Hindu Perspective

Raja Kanuri, PhD scholar, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam The thought of AI being sentient can be described as both scary and thrilling at the same time. While this idea bears witness to the great scope of modern science, it simultaneously warns humanity of the emergence of an (new) intelligence which may override human civilizations. The common […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit & Samenleving

Spiritualiteit: de brug tussen leefwereld en systeemwereld

Tekst van de Nationale Divali lezing. 23 oktober 2022 in Amare theater in Den Haag Prof. dr. Sharda S. Nandram, Hoogleraar Business & Spiritualiteit aan Nyenrode Business Universiteit en hoogleraar Hindoe-spiritualiteit en samenleving aan de VU in Amsterdam, Adjunct professor Banasthali Vidyapith, Jaipur. Goedemiddag dames en heren en lieve kinderen, Namaskar, Pranaam aan onze ouderen […]