Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 9, 18-March-22 EN Uncategorized

Hinduism and SDGs

Of the 17 goals the UN member states have adopted, goal 16: peace, justice and strong institutions stands central. To achieve world peace, one needs to attain peace at societal and individual levels. Since societies are gatherings of individuals, it is individual peace that manifests into the various other levels of peace in the world. […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 9, 18-March-22 EN

News and Updates

Prof. dr. Sharda Nandram has been appointed as Professor of Business & Spirituality at Nyenrode Business University.  The OMRISE team is delighted to share that Prof. Dr. Sharda Nandram has been appointed Professor of Business & Spirituality at Nyenrode Business University. Prof. Sharda Nandram will accept her position in public by delivering a speech. The […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 9, 18-March-22 EN

Aankondiging: Nieuwe cursussen

“If I were asked to define the Hindu creed, I should simply say:Search after truth through non-violent means. A man may not believe in God and still call himself a Hindu. Hinduism is a relentless pursuit after truth… Hinduism is the religion of truth. Truth is God. Denial of God we have known. Denial of […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 9, 18-March-22 EN

Aankondiging: oproep tot het indienen van artikelen

Submissions are invited for articles for our next issue (Issue10) Theme – Yoga, Ayurveda and Society With support from several authors and well-wishers, OMRISE magazine is in its 10th edition. We take this opportunity to invite you to write in the upcoming OMRISE Issue in June, 2022 on Yoga, Ayurveda and Society. Every year in […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 8, 26-Oct-21 EN

WOORD VAN DE REDACTIE : Spiritualiteit, management en samenleving, nummer 8 - spiritualiteit voor bedrijf en samenleving

Dear all, We are delighted to share the 8th issue of OM RISE Magazine with you. For this issue, the theme is Spirituality for Business and Society. Spirituality is a broad concept embraced by many with different principles, practices and rituals. The path to spirituality generally starts by recognising that something is greater and beyond […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 8, 26-Oct-21 EN

Heelheid van ‘zijn’ op de werkplek

Organizations have a legacy of de-personalizing their employees – seeing them as “resources,” “number of hands.” They are often stripped of their identity and become a “Worker”, “an employee”, “Manager”, “a member of the Sales force.” The history can be traced back to industrialization. The unintended effect of this is that organizations are often stuck […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 8, 26-Oct-21 EN

Spiritualiteit op de werkvloer: Een oosters perspectief

Background Spirituality in the context of workplace or workplace spirituality has drawn the interest of management scholars as well as practicing managers equally in the last few decades. Many multinational companies are now convinced that incorporating spirituality in their workplace can have a positive impact not only on their employees but also on the overall […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 8, 26-Oct-21 EN

Hoe spiritueel leiderschap entrainment kan beïnvloeden

Earlier this year (OMRISE 6 – April 2021) I introduced you to the phenomenon of entrainment and explained that entrainment can have a positive effect on organizational outcomes. It is defined as the adjustment of one or more cycles to a more dominant cycle. Such adjustment can be conscious (through choice) or unconscious. In this […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 8, 26-Oct-21 EN

Gandhi's experimenten met de waarheid - leidraad voor managers

Mahatma Gandhi was a global leader from India. Gandhi’s vision and strategy were uniquely and deeply grounded in Indian values, and yet have a global appeal. On Gandhi’s martyrdom, the Nobel-prize winning scientist Albert Einstein declared that, “Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 8, 26-Oct-21 EN

Guthi: een inheemse socioculturele praktijk in Nepal

Introduction In the age old history of Nepal, ‘Guthi’ derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Goṣṭhī (गोष्ठी) means gathering or meeting of cow-herders (gopalas). It is a traditional socio-cultural and economic institution working for the socio-economic benefit of the Newar community.  History The term ‘Guthi’ was first found in an inscription (shilalekh) at Pashupati dated 1403 […]