Management & Leiderschap Spirituality Issue 6, 16-April-21 NL

Het fenomeen entrainment in managen van VUCA

I am confident that we have all experienced the phenomenon of entrainment in daily life. Think about the experiences of ‘being on the same wavelength’, or ‘being in sync’. They typically generate an elevated emotion or feeling. Also physiologically, many of us have witnessed the adjustment of our bodies that occurs when we change time […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 6, 16-April-21 NL

Hindoeïsme over euthanasie als alternatief voor eindeloos lijden (Deel 2)

We find a strong reference to euthanasia as a solution to unbearable suffering at the end of the Mahābhārata. The Kauravas, who personify injustice and wickedness, are defeated by the Pāṇḍavas who personify justice and goodness. King Dhṛtarāṣṭra, akin to the Kauravas and the symbol of ignorance, weeps and wails over his sons and family […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 6, 16-April-21 NL

Brahma Muhūrta (ब्राह्म मुहूर्त) en entrainment

As per the Hindu scriptures, our body shares a divine connection with the universe. This belief manifests in several practices of Hindu culture. These practices or rituals are largely governed by the Pañcāṃga (Hindu Calendar) in Bhāratīya (Indian) tradition. The calculation of time in this calendar is based on the natural cycles or movement of […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 6, 16-April-21 NL

Boekbespreking: Ken Jezelf: Het einde van je nepik

Gerrit Broekstra. 2020. Ken Jezelf: Het einde van je nepik (Know Yourself: The End of the fake I, Dutch translation of the Aṣṭāvakra-Gītā) Leidschendam: Uitgeverij Quist. ISBN 978-94-91918-24-7. Pp. 448. Some classical Sanskrit texts can be translated dozens of times without losing their timeless relevance when a new translation appears. The best example is the […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 6, 16-April-21 NL

Over de HealingArt Schilderijen van Willeke Hendrikx

Artistic expressions for healing HealingArt paintings are, as the word says, artistic expressions with a strong healing effect. In the paintings you see recognizable forms. These have a unique, symbolic meaning and affect the viewer energetically. They can, depending on the case, comfort, move or inspire. They radiate an atmosphere of peace, joy and harmony, […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 6, 16-April-21 NL


Event Announcements  Conference on Conscious-Based Leadership and Management Dear Readers We hope you are doing well.  We warmly invite you to participate in the International Conference on Consciousness-Based Leadership and Management, which will be held on May 21–23, 2021.  This virtual/online conference aims to discuss broad-based approaches and proven techniques for promoting a consciousness-based view […]

number 1 special - 15 december Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine

OM RISE memoriam (Paul de Blot SJ)

Download Special 1, Dec 2020: Dutch Edition Beste allen, Hierbij ontvangt u een speciale uitgave ter nagedachtenis van de heer Paul de Chauvigny de Blot SJ. Prof. dr. Paul de Blot SJ was honorair hoogleraar Business Spiritualiteit aan Nyenrode Business Universiteit in Breukelen. U kunt deze speciale uitgave ook vinden op de volgende website: Ter […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spirituality Issue 5, 5-Nov-20 NL Spirituality Issue 5, 9-Nov-20 EN

Editorial Note: Spirituality, Management and Society, Issue 5 – Divali Special

Download Issue 5, Nov 2020: English Edition ; Dutch Edition Dear all, We are happy to share the fifth issue of OMRISE Magazine with you. We are also delighted to inform you that now all OMRISE magazine content can be accessed online via our website: This is a number especially created for the occasion of The […]