
Reflecties Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Embracing Flow: Unveiling the Deeper Meaning in Business Conversations

Feeling driven, passionate, and ambitious — these are words often thrown around in the management language of my work and business environment. Yet, we rarely delve into their depth and true value. What do these words really mean? And how do they impact individuals, businesses, and customers? Do the words themselves matter, or is it […]

Reflecties Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Interconnected: Reflections on the Suriname Conference 

Living in Holland and being a descendant of Indian indentured labourers from Suriname in South America, it was an honour for me to participate in the global conference Slavery, Indentured Labour, Migration, and their Impact on Present Societies in Paramaribo. It was organized in June by the Anton de Kom University of Suriname. Having studied […]

Reflecties Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 10, 21-June-22 EN

De Himalaya traditie van Yoga Meditatie

The great Sages have passed the teachings and knowledge of the tradition in an unbroken lineage since the Vedic period. The great Sage Shankaracharya organized his teaching 1200 years ago into five centers of the Himalayan Tradition. The Himalayan Yoga Meditation Tradition is one of the five centers called the Bharati lineage. Bha means “the […]

Reflecties Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 10, 21-June-22 EN

Yoga laat je zien hoe het beter kan: een interview met "Yogaakrati"

Recently, I contacted yoga instructor Krati Malik Gulati, known as “Yogaakrati”, to discuss her perspective on yoga and body image, common assumptions about yoga, self-acceptance, and the role of yoga, and meditation in healing and transformation. Mrs. Krati Malik Gulati is a health and wellness member state president of Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce & […]

Reflecties Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 10, 21-June-22 EN

LGBTQ in het perspectief van de hindoeïstische filosofie

Note from the editorial team for readers of this article  The world today faces problems of polarisation and a lack of ability to handle extremes, and incorporate alternate viewpoints. An overall integrative approach is required to address such pressing needs of society. One such issue is about the rights of people who identify themselves as […]