Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Nummer 3, 20 juni-2020 NL

Nieuwe opleiding aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

In het studiejaar 2020-2021 starten we een nieuwe opleiding aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: de Nederlandstalige postacademische opleiding tot hindoe geestelijke verzorger. Het is de eerste opleiding in Nederland die zich richt op geestelijke verzorging gevoed door [...]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Nummer 2, 25 april 2020 NL

Call for Special Issue, Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion (JMSR)

This is a link (here) to a call for papers for a Special Issue for the Journal of Management Spirituality and Religion (JMSR), a journal of the interest group MSR within the Academy of Management.  The topic is: An Integrative Approach to COVID-19 Crisis: Learnings from Indigenous Knowledge Systems. The guest editors are: Sharda S. […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Nummer 2, 25 april 2020 NL

Existential Reflections

How will workplaces be re-defined in the post-Covid-world? What are short-term and long-term changes that individuals will need to make in their lifestyles post Covid-19? How can individuals / organizations convert these challenges into opportunities? Are we living beyond our means? Have we ignored the saying in Hindi – जितनी चादर हो उतने ही पैर […]