Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Research for Practitioners

Editorial Team In this issue, we bring you some recent articles on sustainability  Green training in enhancing green creativity via green dynamic capabilities in the Indian handicraft sector: The moderating effect of resource commitment.  Joshi, G., & Dhar, R. L. (2020). Green training in enhancing green creativity via green dynamic capabilities in the Indian handicraft […]

Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Announcement: Divali celebration at VU Amsterdam

  On 14 December VU Amsterdam had the honor to welcome the Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E. Ambassador Mrs. Reenat Sandhu. She visited VU Amsterdam to jointly celebrate Divali with the Indian community and to share stories and exchange on VU- Indian academic collaboration with the Rector Jeroen Geurts, academics […]

Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Aankondiging: oproep tot het indienen van artikelen

Submissions are invited for articles for our next issue (Iss.12) ThemeSpirituality and the Fourth Industrial Revolution  We are facing certain challenges in society today which scholars have been articulating as the outcome of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) or emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution (a recent term coined by scholars from the World Economic Forum). […]

Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Aankondiging: Nieuwe Boeken

Responsible Leadership for Sustainability in Uncertain Times: Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges for Sustainable Organizations Book chapter contributed by Nandram & Englert (2022): Integrating Simplification in Integrative Contracting to Navigate VUCA: The Case of De Rechtmakers In Responsible Leadership for Sustainability in Uncertain Times: Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges for Sustainable Organizations Editors: Tanuja Sharma, […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit & Samenleving

Spiritualiteit: de brug tussen leefwereld en systeemwereld

Tekst van de Nationale Divali lezing. 23 oktober 2022 in Amare theater in Den Haag Prof. dr. Sharda S. Nandram, Hoogleraar Business & Spiritualiteit aan Nyenrode Business Universiteit en hoogleraar Hindoe-spiritualiteit en samenleving aan de VU in Amsterdam, Adjunct professor Banasthali Vidyapith, Jaipur. Goedemiddag dames en heren en lieve kinderen, Namaskar, Pranaam aan onze ouderen […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 10, 21-June-22 EN

Van de redactie: Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving, Nummer 10 - Yoga, Āyurveda en Samenleving

Dear All, We are delighted to share the 10th issue of OM RISE Magazine with you. For this issue, the theme is Yoga, Āyurveda and Society. One of the interesting contributions of OM RISE in the past two years has been sharing ideas that cover different aspects of our life – like society, spirituality, business, […]

Management & Leiderschap Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 10, 21-June-22 EN

Aankondiging: Nieuwe cursussen

“If I were asked to define the Hindu creed, I should simply say: Search after truth through non-violent means. A man may not believe in God and still call himself a Hindu. Hinduism is a relentless pursuit after truth… Hinduism is the religion of truth. Truth is God. Denial of God we have known. Denial […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Spiritualiteit, Management & Samenleving Magazine Spirituality Issue 10, 21-June-22 EN

Aankondiging: Nieuwe Boeken

Looking East: Indian Wisdom for Modern Management “If I were asked to define the Hindu creed, I should simply say:Search after truth through non-violent means. A man may not believe in God and still call himself a Hindu. Hinduism is a relentless pursuit after truth… Hinduism is the religion of truth. Truth is God. Denial […]