Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Aankondiging: Nieuwe Boeken

Responsible Leadership for Sustainability in Uncertain Times: Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges for Sustainable Organizations

Book chapter contributed by Nandram & Englert (2022): Integrating Simplification in Integrative Contracting to Navigate VUCA: The Case of De Rechtmakers In Responsible Leadership for Sustainability in Uncertain Times: Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges for Sustainable Organizations

Editors: Tanuja Sharma, Rupamanjari Sinha Ray, Nayan Mitra

Green Employability: Re-Shaping Individual Career Perspective. In: Green Human Resource Management Research

Book chapter contributed by Joshi (2022): Green Employability: Re-Shaping Individual Career Perspective. In: Green Human Resource Management Research

Issues, Trends, and Challenges

Editors: Pascal Paillé

Five Seats of Power: Leadership Insights from the Mahabharata: Discovering the Best You Can Be through the Mahabharata

In Five Seats of Power, Raghu Ananthanarayanan uses insights from the Yoga Shastra and the Mahabharata to offer principles and practices to enable behavioral transformation. Transformation that, in turn, will ignite an individual’s natural genius. He presents each of the five Pandavas – Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva – as an archetype of a particular kind of power: of order and stability, passion and action, and curiosity and knowledge, among others. Drawing on each of these archetypal energies, he explores the functional and dysfunctional aspects of the use of power. He examines how, in order to mobilize one’s heroic potential, a person must celebrate their desirable qualities, while resolving the dark and compulsive energies within themselves.

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