Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Nummer 2, 25 april 2020 NL

Reflections on Indigenous Ideas

The precautionary measures for Covid-19 if closely observed are linked to practices of most indigenous practices for example of Hinduism. Traditional house-holds in India used to practice higher order levels of hygiene. However, youth appeared slightly dis-enchanted with many practices and under the name of “reforms” even good practices got ignored and sometimes even challenged as orthodox. The point is not to waste time in digging historical underpinnings and doing post-mortem analysis, but keeping in mind learning for future and other aspects. Most important learning can be that we spend some time for reflection and remain open to indigenous ideas. As IDEO says in Design Thinking – Do not discard any wildest idea!

Another reflection that we want to present: “My Independence and My Freedom” attitude that brings “My Life, my choice”. In this highly interconnected world, there is a need for Simple living, Restraint, Reasonable restrictions, and Self-discipline. All these are necessary for sustenance of the world. The reason is choices, habits, and lifestyle of one person can become a hindrance for many. We need to think about respecting others and at the same time realize that respecting individual’s rights may become counterproductive for society.

The current time may require more than ever before an integrative approach which does transcend dualities in perspectives and purpose. In the Bhāratīya culture (knowledge and living system that is inspired by ancient Indian knowledge, practices and wisdom) we do not see duality in science or faith. For example, the seventh chapter of the Bhagavadgītā is named – ज्ञान-विज्ञान योग (jṇāna-vijṇāna yoga). Many Ṛṣis have worked on science and they are highly respected by society and scholars. There is not one single way towards self-realization. There are different paths – ज्ञान, कर्म, भक्ति… (jṇāna, karma, bhakti…). So, inherently both – science and faith go together!

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