Redactie Team Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Research for Practitioners*

In this issue, we share the reading list from the recently concluded OM RISE International Workshop on Building an Academic Discipline of Spirituality in Management and Society. The workshop focused on advancing our discussion on the discipline of spirituality for management and society. The workshop discussions were oriented to eventually build education, research, and practice elements to develop spirituality as a recognized academic discipline. We hope the following reading list gives an opportunity to researchers and practitioners alike to connect with the themes of the ongoing work at OM RISE. 

  • Bindlish, P. K., Nandram, S. S., Gupta, R., & Joshi, A. (2018). How to prepare the researcher for indigenous context: an integrative approach. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 17 (2), 221-237.
  • Bhawuk, D. P. S. (2019). Toward a spirituality-based theory of creativity: Indigenous perspectives from India. In Asian indigenous psychologies in the global context (pp. 139-168). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Bhawuk, D. P. S. (2019). Adhyatma or spirituality: Indian perspectives on management. In Indian business (pp. 256-266). Routledge.
  • Bhawuk, D. P. (2019). Adhyatma or spirituality: Construct definition and elaboration using multiple methods. In Spirituality in Management (pp. 19-40). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
  • Bhawuk, D. P. (2003). Culture’s influence on creativity: the case of Indian spirituality. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 27 (1), 1-22.
  • Global risks report, 2023, World economic forum. 
  • Gupta, R. K. (1996). Is there a place for the sacred in organizations and their development. Journal of Human Values, 2 (2), 149-158.
  • Gupta, R. K. (1994). Challenges in developing indigenous theories of organization and management: An Indian perspective. Indian Journal of Social Work, 55, 220-220.
  • Gupta, R. K. (1991). Employees and organizations in India: need to move beyond American and Japanese models. Economic and Political Weekly, M68-M76.
  • Harman, W. (1994). The scientific exploration of consciousness: Towards an adequate epistemology. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 1 (1), 140-148.
  • Nandram, S. S. (2016). How do spirituality, intuition and entrepreneurship go together? Philosophy of Management, 15 (1), 65-82.
  • Nandram, S.S. (2019). Integrative Spirituality in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Vrije University Press. Amsterdam. 
  • Nandram, S.S. (2022). Spirituality: The discipline for doing business with the unknown. Nyenrode Business Universiteit. Written lecture for the official inauguration to full professor on Business and Spirituality at the Nyenrode Business Universiteit. 
  • Nandram, S., & Bindlish, P. (2022). Towards an Integrative Conceptualization of Spirituality for Management. In Academy of Management Proceedings. Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
  • Nandram, S. S., Bindlish, P. K., & Shrestha, A. K. (2022). Spirituality Led Ethical Decision Making with Yogic Yamas and Niyamas. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 19(3), 237-257.
  • Nandram, S. S., Sukhada, S., Joshi, A., & Bindlish, P. K. (2022). Understanding Human Values through Integrative Dialogue: The Śāstrārtha Method. In Global Perspectives on Indian Spirituality and Management (pp. 91-106). Springer, Singapore.
  • Pandey, A., & Gupta, R. K. (2008). Spirituality in management: A review of contemporary and traditional thoughts and agenda for research. Global Business Review, 9 (1), 65-83.
  • Pandey, A., & Gupta, R. K. (2008). A perspective of the collective consciousness of business organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 80 (4), 889-898.
  • Panda, A., & Gupta, R. K. (2007). Call for developing indigenous organizational theories in India: setting agenda for future. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 1 (1-2), 205-243.
  • Tackney, C. T., Chappell, S., Harris, D., Pavlovich, K., Egel, E., Major, R., Finney, M. & Stoner, J. (2017). Management, spirituality, and religion (MSR) ways and means: A paper to encourage quality research. Journal of management, spirituality & religion, 14 (3), 245-254.
  • Tackney, C. T. (2021). The Metascience of the Academy of Management: Supporting the Global Manager. In Academy of Management Proceedings. Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

*Every issue, in this section, we share a brief overview of one of the past research articles authored by OM RISE research group’s researchers or insights gained from organized conferences which may be useful for the management context.

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