Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

New Courses

"Als men mij zou vragen de Hindoeïstische geloofsbelijdenis te definiëren, zou ik simpelweg zeggen: Zoeken naar waarheid door geweldloze middelen. Ook als iemand niet in God gelooft, mag hij zich een Hindoe noemen. Hindoeïsme is een voortdurend streven naar waarheid. Hindoeïsme is de religie van de waarheid. Waarheid is God. Ontkenning van God hebben we gekend. Ontkenning van de waarheid hebben we niet gekend." - Mahatma Gandhi 


Is Hinduism a religion or a spiritual worldview? Does one of the oldest ways of living have some integrative wisdom that’s relevant for addressing future global challenges? Yoga and beyond…

Discover the open architecture of Hinduism for spirituality, religiosity and society, as this minor takes us on a learning journey through some of the Hindu texts, traditions, beliefs and practices to nurture thinking towards integrative sustainable development. 

This minor (30 ECTS points) aims to nurture integrative thinking and critical reflexivity among participants to connect Hindu studies with contemporary global narratives on societal challenges, such as UN-SDGs, against the backdrop of multireligious, multicultural and multitude of political ideologies. It is open for all bachelor students. They can choose one, more or all five courses of the minor. Some will be delivered online and some in person. More information about this minor will be published in the coming months. More details: 

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