Redactie Team Spirituality Issue 12 June 2023

Redactioneel - nummer 12 - juni 2023

Dear readers,

As we celebrate the International  Day  of Yoga, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey within the realms of Yoga, Spirituality, and Business as we find ourselves at the intersection of ancient wisdom and the ever-evolving world of modern commerce. In our VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) world, a new era dawns — the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It beckons us to harness technology with wisdom, weaving it harmoniously into the fabric of our lives. Yet, this call goes beyond progressive innovation; it stirs the depths of our souls, urging us to rediscover the essenceof our existence. We wish to share the spirit of ancient wisdom and modern enterprise converging towards a more holistic future.

Our Spirituality & Society section contains scholarly insights into timeless wisdom that may deepen our understanding of the role of spirituality in our lives. We delve into the teachings of yoga philosophy, guiding us to embody compassion, integrity, and harmony in our interactions with others. Through this, we discover how spirituality can shape the backbone of our society, fostering a more compassionate and inclusive world.

The Management section contains some thought-provoking articles where spirituality and business intertwine, where theoretical visions meet empirical studies, and where practical wisdom fuels the thinking process of innovation. In this issue, we present insights from the Bhagavad Gita that offer guidance on leadership in the political sphere. These profound teachings provide a blueprint for ethical decision-making and the art of balancing power with selflessness. Another article explores how spirituality helps in orienting us towards sustainability.

In our Reflection section, we offer you an intimate realm of open dialogue, where diverse reflections converge to stimulate introspection and personal contemplation. 

Together, let us unveil the hidden treasures that lie at the crossroads of yoga, spirituality, and business, and discover the profound impact they hold for our collective future. Stay connected with us beyond the pages of this issue at

With love and gratitude,

The OM RISE Editorial Team

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