Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Aankondiging: oproep tot het indienen van artikelen

Submissions are invited for articles for our next issue (Iss.12) ThemeSpirituality and the Fourth Industrial Revolution  We are facing certain challenges in society today which scholars have been articulating as the outcome of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) or emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution (a recent term coined by scholars from the World Economic Forum). […]

Spirituality Issue 11, 21-December-22 EN

Aankondiging: Nieuwe Boeken

Responsible Leadership for Sustainability in Uncertain Times: Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges for Sustainable Organizations Book chapter contributed by Nandram & Englert (2022): Integrating Simplification in Integrative Contracting to Navigate VUCA: The Case of De Rechtmakers In Responsible Leadership for Sustainability in Uncertain Times: Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges for Sustainable Organizations Editors: Tanuja Sharma, […]