Sri Anish Looking at this title, you might feel that it is rather a strange title, because we all are ‘Human Beings’ already, so, where is the question of becoming ‘human beings’ again? Let’s look at it carefully, the word Human is a combination of two words, homo – meaning man and humus – meaning […]
Editorial Team In this issue, we bring you some recent articles on sustainability Green training in enhancing green creativity via green dynamic capabilities in the Indian handicraft sector: The moderating effect of resource commitment. Joshi, G., & Dhar, R. L. (2020). Green training in enhancing green creativity via green dynamic capabilities in the Indian handicraft […]
Prof. dr. Sharda S. Nandram Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, dear children, Namaskar, Pranaam to the elders here in our midst. In the next 40 minutes, I would like to talk about Divali, also known as the festival of lights. Yet you yourselves already know so much about Divali. How many Divalis have you celebrated […]