Tekst van de Nationale Divali lezing. 23 oktober 2022 in Amare theater in Den Haag Prof. dr. Sharda S. Nandram, Hoogleraar Business & Spiritualiteit aan Nyenrode Business Universiteit en hoogleraar Hindoe-spiritualiteit en samenleving aan de VU in Amsterdam, Adjunct professor Banasthali Vidyapith, Jaipur. Goedemiddag dames en heren en lieve kinderen, Namaskar, Pranaam aan onze ouderen […]
Dear all, We are delighted to share the 11th issue of OM RISE Magazine. For this issue, the theme is Sustainability and re-generativity in business and society. We discuss how spirituality can have role within this theme.. Global institutions and governments in many countries are trying to become more transparent. They show responsibility towards meeting […]
On 14 December VU Amsterdam had the honor to welcome the Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E. Ambassador Mrs. Reenat Sandhu. She visited VU Amsterdam to jointly celebrate Divali with the Indian community and to share stories and exchange on VU- Indian academic collaboration with the Rector Jeroen Geurts, academics […]