The Upanishads are among the foundational texts of wisdom of mankind. Their origin lies in the ancient Vedic culture of India. The first of these classical texts date from approximately 750BC. Together with the Brahma Sūtra – the aphoristic exposition of the philosophy of the Upanishads – and the Bhagavadgītā, the Upanishads make up the […]
Śri Kṛṣṇa teaches His disciple Arjuna true spiritual leadership ये हि संस्पर्शजा भोगा दुःखयोनय एव ते । आद्यन्तवन्तः कौन्तेय न तेषु रमते बुधः ॥ ५-२२॥ Bhagavadgītā V: 22 The enjoyments that stem from [the sensory] contacts [with objects] are the birthplace of suffering: such [enjoyments] begin and then they end, Son of Kunti! The one […]
No other event in humanity’s recent past has so starkly and glaringly brought out the uncertainties of human life as the current pandemic. Philosophers tell us that the coronavirus could be a warning that humanity is deviating from the path of nature. Medical practitioners, scholars, and social activists, all urge us to lead a life […]