It is well-known that yoga has become immensely popular all over the world since the middle of the twentieth century. Yoga is perhaps one of the most successful cultural exports of India. It is also well known that many Western practitioners associate yoga mostly with postures (āsana) and breathing exercises (prāṇayāma). There are many varieties […]
Geachte leden van de Hindoe gemeenschap,Shubh Divali gewenst aan u, uw naasten en geliefden! Divali is normaliter het feest dat wij samen met onze naasten en geliefden vieren. Een feest dat ons herinnert dat het goede zegeviert over het kwaad. Helaas, Corona beperkt ons in samenzijn, dus vallen er allerlei geplande festiviteiten in het water. […]
Download Issue 5, Nov 2020: English Edition ; Dutch Edition Dear all, We are happy to share the fifth issue of OMRISE Magazine with you. We are also delighted to inform you that now all OMRISE magazine content can be accessed online via our website: This is a number especially created for the occasion of The […]