Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Nummer 1, 25 maart 2020 NL

Existential Reflections


What is exactly a virus?

Where does it come from?

Does it have consciousness?

Can we imagine ourselves to have coronavirus?


Why are none of the governments who lead our countries and world unable to solve the corona pandemic to a satisfactory level?

What is the role of science and who will be the fastest to invent a medical cure?

Will we find a solution if we just follow the path that we usually follow or do we need a new way of thinking?

What if we turn towards our Ancient Wisdom

Would ancient wisdom in different parts of the world have solutions for us?

Why are our sages keeping themselves quiet and not sharing their wisdom to guide us?

Is there anyone who is able to really lead us? Or are we bound to find a solution, each one, ourselves?

What would life look like if we would go back to ancient times and how would we cope with the corona pandemic?

If Life is Cyclic

Our ancient scriptures tell us that before creation happened, the original ātman was inside the paramātman. It was complete, and both were one. When it became separated from its true nature, yoga was also born along with the ātman. We exist because of our past karma (actions). These past karmas exist as citta-vṛttis (mental deformations).  The moment we are born, we are not complete anymore. As a  consequence of this we are also not in our true nature. Yoga has been given to us to help us come back to our complete self or our true nature. Yoga is a means for self-realization and becoming one again or letting the ātman merge in the paramātman. To achieve this we may need several births. Therefore, the death of a body cannot be seen as a full stop but as a comma or a semicolon in the long continuous journey of life of the ātman.

This may leave one wondering whether those who believe life is cyclic have another attitude to cope with the coronavirus. Are they also fearing the corona disease? Or are they fearless? Dying from corona may give us an opportunity to get back and start afresh to get united with our true self, our true nature.

Our ancient wisdom tells us that we are all connected and everything has consciousness. Devī Mã, as was explained earlier, is everywhere. Devī Mã is another name for energy which manifests itself in several ways. One of our ancient sayings is that our microcosm is just a reflection of our macrocosm. What if we evoke Devī Mã in us in the forms of Mahākali, Mahālakṣmi and Mahāsarasvatī? How would we use our śaktis in the current corona pandemic?

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