Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Nummer 1, 25 maart 2020 NL

Navaratri, nauratan, voorjaar 2020

Many Hindus celebrate the nine nights dedicated to the Goddess Durgā twice a year; in spring and autumn. In the east of India, it is mainly only the autumn celebration that is very important. Surinamese and Dutch Hindus also worship the Goddess during the nine nights (Navarātri) in spring. For some people, spring Navarātri is […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Nummer 1, 25 maart 2020 NL

Kaṭha Upaniṣad

न जायते म्रियते वा विपश्चिन् , नायं कुतश्चिन्न बभूव कश्चित् । अजो नित्यः शाश्वतोऽयं पुराणो, न हन्यते हन्यमाने शरीरे ॥ १८॥[1] हन्ता चेन्मन्यते हन्तु हतश्चेन्मन्यते हतम् । उभौ तौ न विजानीतो नायं हन्ति न हन्यते ॥ १९॥[2] अणोरणीयान्महतो महीया – नात्माऽस्य जन्तोर्निहितो गुहायाम् । तमक्रतुः पश्यति वीतशोको, धातुप्रसादान्महिमानमात्मनः ॥ २०॥[3] Kaṭha Upaniśad Chapter 1 Valli […]

Spiritualiteit & Samenleving Nummer 1, 25 maart 2020 NL

Van de redactie: Nummer 1 - Navaratri & COVID-19

Download Issue 1, March 25, 2020: English Edition ; Dutch Edition The current Corona pandemic has brought almost the whole world into an extreme VUCA situation (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity). What is seen as fact, or the best solution now may not hold tomorrow. The extreme volatility of information makes people experience high levels of uncertainty. Since no […]